#include #include #include const char* argp_program_version = PROJECT_NAME " " VERSION_CODE "\n\n" "License: GPLv3 \n" "If you did not receive a copy of the source code, it is available\n" "at or the\n" "GitLab mirror at ."; #ifndef _WIN32 const struct argp_option options[] = { //name, key, arg, flags, doc, group {"haar-cascade", 0x00, 0, 0, "Use Haar Cascades for faster (but less accurate) face detection.", 0}, {"show-camera", 0x01, 0, 0, "Show the camera feed in another window", 0}, {"model", 'm', "model", 0, "Name of the model file to use. (not including '.fma')", 0}, // this option actually selects the minimum camera id to use, // i.e. instead of trying video0, video1, ... it will try // starting from 'c'. // e.g. -c6 is passed, so the program will try video6, video7, etc. {"camera", 'c', "id", 0, "ID number of camera to use (e.g. /dev/videoXX where XX is the ID)", 0}, {0} }; struct argp argp = { options, parseOptions, 0, 0 }; #endif struct optData optData = { false, false, "test", 0, }; #ifndef _WIN32 error_t parseOptions(int key, char* arg, struct argp_state* state) { std::cout << key << ": " << arg << std::endl; switch (key) { case 0x00: //--haar-cascade optData.useHaar = true; break; case 0x01: //--show-camera optData.showCamera = true; break; case 'm': optData.model = std::string(arg); break; case 'c': optData.minCameraID = std::stoi(arg); break; default: return ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN; } return 0; } #endif